Saturday, May 29, 2010

my address :)

Many of yall asked for a mailing address so I am going to give yall the one I will have until June 18th.
address: Katie Hager
1601 W. Schunior
Edinburg, TX 78541
phone: I will be contacting yall if I can.

Love you!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Hey Everbody! Thank you so much for even thinking of supporting me either with prayers and/or finances. As a Christian, I believe that God calls His children to share the gospel with the people that we are close to, with the people in our nation or state, and with the people all over the world. This summer, He is calling me to specifically go with GO NOW Missions to South Texas along the Rio Grande River and also either to Cuba, Venezuela, or Mexico. The trip will be from May 31st to July 3rd. The first 3 weeks I will spend along the river, and I get to choose one of the three places for the next two weeks. Please pray that God shows me where to go for those two weeks. In the Valley, I will work on a team of 17 other student missionaries by serving with community organizations, local churches, and hospitals. We will be helping people of all ages and leading Christian youth to do the same through Vacation Bible School, Youth rallies, various service projects, community block parties, and several other opportunities that God will open up.
I would love for you to take part in what God is going to do on this trip. Although He is calling me to go, please pray and see if He is calling you to support me. Because I do need $2,300 to go, I need your help in any way that you can, whether that means a minute of prayer or an amount of money. I will periodically send out prayer requests before and during the trip through this group and keep you posted on how God is providing for it, but for now please pray that Lord begins to prepare my heart and the heart of the people in South Texas that my group will interact with on this trip.
I am super excited to go! Not only do I get the chance to share the gospel with others, I also plan to be fluent in Spanish by the time the trip is over. Because God has given me the direction to work with people of the Latin American culture, I am excited that He has provided the chance for me to learn their language. If you have any questions regarding my trip, how you can support me, or simply if you want to talk about our amazing and gracious Savior Jesus Christ, PLEASE message me.
If you would like to find out more about GO NOW here is there website
If you would like to donate online, the website is Simply fill in your information, click “Donation for a Student's Mission Trip”, enter my name in the blank, and enter the amount you are willing to donate. All donations are tax exempt.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mission trip orientation

This weekend was the orientation for all the GO NOW Mission trips this summer. What a blessing it was to be around such awesome people and get to meet some of the people that I will be serving with on my trip. God revealed so much to me over such a short weekend.

First off, I wanna say how interesting it was because it was held on the DBU campus where I used to attend but I was with my A&M family. Through this, the Lord reminded me why I had transferred schools and that different simply means different. Both are awesome schools full of awesome people and God is active on both campuses; however they are each different in their own ways. God reminded me that although DBU has awesome qualities, it is not where He has placed me for now. I need to not look back at the past and wish I was there, but accept the current calling He has placed on my life and serve Him wholeheartedly wherever I am.

Secondly, He taught me what an underground church looks like and how uncomfortable they are compared to our churches in the states. On Friday night, we had a mock underground church. A secret invitation was passed to random people at dinner with a password to get into the service. We were not allowed to speak of the service so that we would not get caught by "security." There were no lights at the service, but there were lots of mosquitos unfortunately! We couldn't have our Bibles out nor could we be loud in fear of being caught by the "security." Through this mock church, Father taught me how grateful we should be as Americans for the comfort of our churches and the ability to gather freely with other believers. I feel like alot of times, I just take for granted the opportunity to meet with other believers and worship/talk about God. I take for granted the fact that I have 5 Bibles when some people around the world have 0. I certainly take for granted the ability to share the gospel and be loud about my faith. Yes, there is fear in sharing the gospel with our friends or family that we see daily, but I should be more bold to share because I am not limited by anything but my fear and Father can certainly conquer that fear!

2 Timothy 1:7-12 "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God, who has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher. That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day."

Thirdly, right after I left the service, I ran into the "security" with three other girls with me. They questioned us about the service, like if we had gone, if we were Christians, and why we believed in the "crazy religion." God also used these mock discussions to increase my faith and humble me. I can now understand more of what people all over the world deal with in nations where Christianity is illegal, and my heart goes out to them in prayer and love. In order to answer questions concerning God and why I believe, I had to pull up all the truth I know and formulate an answer on the spot. Because I was pretending the situation was real, I was ashamed that I did not have a perfect answer right away. Having grown up in a Christian school for ten years and going to thousands of church services in my life, I had almost gotten to the point where I thought I knew the majority of the answers about my faith. O how wrong I was! I do know what I believe, but being able to share my faith when someone is unwilling to understand and believes something completely different was incredibly challenging and encouraged me to search the scriptures in order to be prepared to share the gospel at any moment. I certainly have a lot to learn, but the biggest lesson I took away from that discussion is the fact that I will never have all the answers perfectly but praise Him because He does! I realized that I should have more of those discussions with the people around me daily who really do have different beliefs and the importance of prayer in those moments. I learned that the biggest thing that I can do is pray to Father. How humbling it is to realize that by myself I am nothing, but through Him I can face anything that comes, yet how powerful at the same time!

Well...I could go on and on about what Father taught me over the weekend, but I just wanted to share with yall the highlights and hopefully yall can learn about what I am learning. I also want to ask for prayer in conversations while I am in Texas and Nicaragua. Pray that God will bring many conversations and that He will give me the words to say in each one. Pray that He will be opening eyes, hearts, and ears all over the world this summer to receive His truth. Pray that we as a body will continually be willing to serve, love, and learn in any circumstance on our trips (whether that means my trip to Nicaragua or your trip to the pool or grocery store.) I know God is going to be doing a lot of molding and cleaning of my heart, and I greatly want to be willing to follow Him whatever that means. Please for discipline in prayer and reading of the Word for me. It's really easy for me to be others motivated, but I want to follow God to follow Him and not do it because it is what "I should do" or because "It looks good." He has taught me a lot in this area this past year, and I only want to learn more while I am on my trip.

Also, please praise Him for all these things He has shown me and taught me! Praise Him because He is a mighty, powerful, omnipotent, omniscient, and intimate God. Praise Him in advance for all the individuals that are going to come to know Him this summer through mission trips or just the daily living of His followers! Praise Him that we have an opportunity to partner with Him to accomplish the purpose of His creation -- worshipping Him and teaching others to do the same. Praise Him for the fellowship that we have with other believers and all the people He has placed in our lives to help us grow in our faith in Him. Praise Him for all the little blessings that we take for granted, because many around the world do not have even the simple things of our life.

Thank you so much for praying for me and taking time to see what God is doing in my life and the lives of those around me! I greatly appreciate it! If you have anything that I can be praying for you about, please message me on facebook or send me an email. I would love to pray for you about anything!

a daughter of the King